Friends, nerds, neighbors - the time has come to say...goodbye. 😭😭😭 So when I started this blog I didn't really have a plan beyond I want to do this so I'm doing it. I had vague thoughts of making it a long term thing but as the year went on, I started to wobble on …

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RANDOM RAMBLE: 2018 Reading Goals Update

Hello, nerds and neighbors! How's everyone doing? We all good? We reading some good stuff? I hope so. I am here today to give you all my final 2018 reading goals update ...*cue ominous music*. But really, I did really well. Like with my unread shelf project, I did not accomplish these goals 100% but I …

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RANDOM RAMBLE: All the King Reading Update II

This is going to be the shortest update ever from me. Hello, nerds and neighbors! As I've already said, one of my reading goals this year was to finish all of Stephen King's books. I'd made some (but not much) progress on this by July and honestly, I haven't done much since then. At last update, …

Continue reading RANDOM RAMBLE: All the King Reading Update II